Moong dal
Moong Dal Green - Unpolished :
Unpolished Organic Green moong dal is a type of lentil widely used in Indian cuisine and other Asian cuisines. Green moong dal is a versatile and nutritious ingredient that adds texture, flavor, and nutritional value to a wide range of dishes, making it a popular choice in many kitchens, especially in Indian cooking.
Key features of Green Moong Dal by RamTatva:
Low in calories, it helps in weight loss process. Moong dal is known to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help fight harmful bacteria, viruses and colds. High in calcium and potassium, Green Moong Dal benefits the Heart. Green Moong Dal prevents the deposition of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries, which promotes a healthy heart in turn. A well-maintained cholesterol profile will help you prevent complications like stroke.
• Green Moong Dal contains folate, fiber, and vitamin B6. Rich in B-complex vitamins, it also improves gut health.
• Moong Dal helps in maintaining the elasticity of the skin and results in wrinkle-free, glowing skin.
• Drinking clean water and eating healthy food are the first necessities for each of us. Our focus is to provide quality products and to support fellow farmers wholeheartedly. All our Ramtatva seeds are locally sourced, which helps the crops flourish naturally. It helps the plant grow healthy. They adopt intercropping methods, which enhance soil fertility. Hence, fewer diseases and pests, thereby increasing biodiversity.
Slice of life from farm post-harvest:
• There are plenty of activities involved in the processing of pulses. Once the harvest is done, the journey towards your kitchen commences with various cleaning, drying, sieving, splitting, and milling processes. Innumerable hands labor to make it a fruitful one, in order to provide you with pure and unadulterated food on your plate.